The Walking Faces TWF2016-07-10.BeatsNBohos-InvisiblePlanetCDrelease
2016-07-10 Beats & Bohos

The Walking Faces Live at Beats & Bohos on 2016-07-10

01 Buddha > The Day You Were Born > Bats In Space > Endless Highway > Snowjob > Rosebush This set of music was performed as a single continuous medley. The Walking Faces is: James Patrick Lenon - drums 5-Track - guitarbass, singing special thanks to Beats & Bohos for hosting our CD release party for The Invisible Planet! & to Beyond Captain Orca! for opening up the festivities with freejams & racket. The Invisible Planet = here:

Files (download all files)
TWF2016-07-10.BeatsNBohos-InvisiblePlanetCDrelease.txt (download)