The Soul Panacea TSP2014-11-06.flac16
2014-11-06 The Monkey House

The Soul Panacea Live at The Monkey House on 2014-11-06

Set: 01. Big Wig 02. Hold On -> 03. The Rise Of Uncle Mehy -> 04. The Imperial March* 05. Bull Bennet (Bulbin' It) -> 06. Strollin'# -> 07. Our General Interpretation of Things% 08. Lotus Head 09. Fishin' -> 10. Styles -> 11. Psycho Killer -> 12. Vapor 13. Come And Go

Files (download all files)
TSP2014-11-06.flac16.ffp (download) (download)
tsp20141106.fingerprint.ffp.txt (download)
TSP2014-11-06.flac16.md5 (download)