The Native Sway TNS2012-08-11.BigWhat_Avenson_16bt
2012-08-11 The Big What Festival

The Native Sway Live at The Big What Festival on 2012-08-11

The Native Sway Live The Big What Festival, Possum Holler August 11, 2012 Source: Avenson STO-2 26" Omni Bar FOB>Grace V2>Fostex FR2-LE Lineage: CF card>Audacity (Bit Rate Levels)>CD Wave>Traders Helper 01. Intro 02. ‎Canopy>Ear to the Ground 03. Smooth>Custom 04. Jungle Jam 05. Rainy Day Soup 06. Drum's 07. Funky Bitch 08. 86 A Team Hodge Podge Production

Files (download all files)
TNS2012-08-11.BigWhat_Avenson_16bt.md5 (download)
SetList.txt (download)
TNS20120811_BIGWhat.ffp (download)
TNS2012-08-11.BigWhat_Avenson_16bt.ffp (download)