Bugbee Project TBP2021-05-26
2021-05-26 Lagunitas Taproom and Beer Sanctuary

Bugbee Project Live at Lagunitas Taproom and Beer Sanctuary on 2021-05-26

The Bugbee Project Live @ Lagunitas Brewery, Taproom and Beer Sanctuary 5/26/21 Set 1: All My Worries, Strange Again, Stare At The Sun, The Edge, She Belongs To Me, I'm Almost There, Trinidad Set 2: Radiation, Raise Your Hands, Come Shake It On Down, I Can't Explain, Unification Theory, Let Your True Self Shine, Stir It Up, Climate Change, I'm Talking Too *volumes low for band due to noise level requirements at Lagunitas.  Audience size limited due to covid restrictions.