Surco Surco2018-03-24.AtomicCowboyBootleg_StLouisMO
2018-03-24 Atomic Cowboy Bootleg

Surco Live at Atomic Cowboy Bootleg on 2018-03-24

Saturday March 24 2018 Atomic Cowboy Bootleg - St. Louis, MO Supporting Jennifer Hartswick & Nick Cassarino 1. Shameless* 2. Elevator To Nowhere 3. Year^ 4. South Grand Strut 5. Above the Sky 6. Enter Sandman (fakeout) 7. Future Funk 8. In Your Car+$ 9. The Getaway 10. Eaten Alive% * Shameless starts midway through the song and was the 2nd song of the set. Due to a    technical malfunction, the first song (Disco Road) and the first half of Shameless were    not recorded. ^  Sweet Home Alabama Jam + Trance the Knight teases $ Future Funk teases % Jake on vocals Shameless and Eaten Alive - First time played since April 6, 2017