Spin Doctors SpinDoctorsLeamingtonSpa2011-05-18
2011-05-18 The Assembly

Spin Doctors Live at The Assembly on 2011-05-18

Set 1: t01 - Jimmy Olsen's Blues t02 - What Time Is It? t03 - Little Miss Can't Be Wrong t04 - Forty Or Fifty t05 - Refrigerator Car t06 - More Than She Knows t07 - Two Princes t08 - Off My Line t09 - How Could You Want Him (When You Know You Could Have Me)? t10 - Shinbone Alley > t11 - Hard To Exist Encore t12 - Yo Mama's A Pajama t13 - Sweet Widow t14 - Stepped On A Crack t15 - So Bad t16 - Happy Birthday Cheryl t17 - Scotch and Water Blues Notes: -- Due to modern listening habits, I have not split between discs. -- Share Freely, NOT TO BE SOLD BY ANYONE. -- Any reproductions of this source must include this file. -- Transfer to lossy for personal use only please. -- Support the Spin Doctors and all taper friendly bands by attending -- their concerts, purchasing merchendise, and buying their records.

Files (download all files)
SpinDoctorsLeamingtonSpa2011-05-18.md5 (download)
SpinDoctorsLeamingtonSpa2011-05-18.ffp (download)
SD2011-05-18.flac.md5 (download)
SD2011-05-18.flac.ffp (download)
Sd2011-05-18.flac16.txt (download)