Shotgun Ragtime Band ShotgunRagtimeBandFtJavierTrejo
2014-12-21 Driftwood Char Bar
Shotgun Ragtime Band Live at Driftwood Char Bar on 2014-12-21
Shotgun Ragtime Band Ft Javier Trejo, John Marcus and a few other loose ends on Djembe and Conga. This audio clip (~48 minutes) is from the last third of the Dec 21 Shotgun Ragtime Band gig at the Driftwood. What I have done differently here is that there is -no video and the audio has been edited in some creative ways. As you may or may not know, the recording setup locations at the Driftwood. In simple language, I have two tracks of audio but not normal X/Y L/R stereo. I record in a Mid-side setup, 1 mic forward and 1 mic that only listens to left and right (not front or back). In this recording I've copied the the 180 degree sides....panned or balanced 1 of the 2 copies full left and the other full right. I then flip the phase on 1 of the 2 copies and viola'! Ambiance. Admittedly I chose this section because I rarely get the chance to play Djembe where it won't frighten people, but I also thought it would be a good chance to see what can be done with a poor setup in a loud room with loud patrons and bizarre instrument level discrepancies.