Pherkad Pherkad2017-03-24
2017-03-24 Marble Brewery

Pherkad Live at Marble Brewery on 2017-03-24

Pherkad Marble Brewery Downtown Albuquerque, NM 3-24-17 Set I: Jam>Dave Walks In> Blue Diamond Oregon Cest La Vie* Just...> Plans Go Awry Wrong Way>Dave Walks In Set II$: Young The Sickness Open Season My Friend Out of The Blue Yin Yang I Dont Give A Funk Triage E: Disco Dark Star> Fire on the Mountain Notes: CHRISPYS FIRST SHOW!!!!!!!!! *- "I Know You Rider" Teases $- Set played with NEW BASS PLAYER!!!! Huge thanks to Marble Brewery, Chris Patchett, NM TAPER and our friends and family. This was a great show.

Files (download all files)
Pherkad3-24-17Marble.ffp (download)
Pherkad3-24-17.txt (download)
Pherkad3-24-17Marble.md5 (download)