Pizza Jam NYPJ2013-01-13
2013-01-13 NYP Tate Street

Pizza Jam Live at NYP Tate Street on 2013-01-13

This was one of the first Allstar lineups of NYP's Sunday night jam session dubbed " Pizza Jam " Literally the set list was something like this from 9:00pm till like 2:15am.... Jam#1  Jam#2 Jam#3 **First time Keith Allen and Marcus Horth played live together after parting ways with "The Mantras" Jam#4  Jam#5 Jam#6 Jam#7 Jam#8 **Marcus Horth and Jeremy Haire on lead guitars.**(Possible J Powell on keys) Jam#9 Jam#10 Jam#11  Artists (that I can remember): Jeremy Fountain - Drums Henry Campbell - Bass Casey Cransford - E.W.I./Sax Keith Allen - Guitar  Jared Coker - Aux Percussion Marcus Horth - Guitar Justin Powell - Keys Justin Lowe - Drums Johnathon Fann - Drums Jeremy Haire - Guitar David Thurlow - Keys/Trombone Hunter Good - Guitar Brian Tyndall - Bass Justin Able - Bass Jose Brea - Bass