Matisyahu Mathisyahu2017-12-01.mathisyahu2017-12-01.mk012
2017-12-01 The MesaTheater

Matisyahu Live at The MesaTheater on 2017-12-01

Matisyahu 2017-12-01 The Mesa Theater Grand Junction, CO. Source: Oktava mk012 (Michael Joly Modded, hypers, ortf, Left of SBD, 7ft up)>Busman Modded Tascam DR-680 @24:48 Transfer: SDHC>PC>Cool Edit Pro (Dither, fades, and tracks)>TLH>Flac8 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. Setlist help needed! Thanks to Lieb and Stefanie for the taper spot and help getting in the door. Thanks to Matisyahu and the Mesa Theater Staff for allowing the evening to be recorded. Please support live music and taper-friendly bands by purchasing merchandise and official releases.

Files (download all files)
mathisyahu2017-12-01.mk012.flac16.txt (download)
matishayu2017-12-01.mk012.flac16.ffp (download)