2013-10-12 Frecon's Orchard

Manatawny Creek Ramblers Live at Frecon's Orchard on 2013-10-12

1. Chatter 2. Durang's Hornpipe 3. Chatter 4. Bring You In 5. Manatawny 6. Married Man 7. Chatter 8. Streamlined Cannonball 9. Chatter 10. Pallet 11. Chatter 12. Silver Man 13. Chatter 14. Red 15. Chatter 16. Moonlight Wood 17. Chatter 18. Lizzy Lou 19. Chatter 20. On My Way Back To The Old Home 21. Uncle Pen 22. Chatter 23. Reuben's Train 24. Chatter 25. Mourning Dove 26. Up This Hill And Down 27. Chatter 28. Feast Here Tonight 29. Chatter 30. Wood Farmer 31. Chatter 32. Your Wife's Been Cheatin' On Us 33. Chatter 34. 21

Files (download all files)
MCR2013-10-12.md5 (download)
MCR2013-10-12.ffp (download)
mcr-2013-10-12.txt (download)