Los Lobos LosLobos1999-05-31.sbd.beerengineer.flac16
1999-05-31 Festival Pier at Penn's Landing

Los Lobos Live at Festival Pier at Penn's Landing on 1999-05-31

Los Lobos   1999-05-31 -  Festival Pier at Penn's Landing,  Philadelphia, PA   "The 14th Annual Jam On the River"   1. Oh Yeah 2. Run Away With You> 3. This Time 4. That Train Don't Stop Here 5. Revolution>     Rattlesnake Shake>     Dear Mr.Fantasy 6. One Time One Night 7. Cumbia Raza 8. Ay Te Dejo En San Antonio 9. Mas y Mas NOTE :  there's another version of the SBD available on the LMA here:   https://archive.org/details/LosLobos1999-05-31.sbd.flac16

Files (download all files)
loslobos_1999-05-31.sbd.beerengineer_info.txt (download)
loslobos_1999-05-31.sbd.beerengineer.flac16.md5 (download)
Los Lobos 1999-05-31Penns Landing Philadelphia PA DSBD TTD.ffp (download)