Lettuce Lettuce2017-07-01
2017-07-01 Sawyer Point Park

Lettuce Live at Sawyer Point Park on 2017-07-01

Lettuce July 1, 2017 Cincinnati, OH @ Sawyer Point Park - Paradise On The Point Festival Sony ECM-MS908C stereo mic > Canon XA20 video cam > 16/48 LPCM WAV > mastering in Vegas Pro 14 > 16/48 WAV > Cool Edit Pro (convert to 16/44) > CD Wave Editor (tracking) > FLAC 01. New Intro > 02. Let It Gogo > 03. Reunion 04. Last Suppit 05. The Dump 06. Sam Huff's Flying Ragin' Machine (inc. Workin' Day And Night [Michael Jackson]) 07. Double Header 08. Salute 09. Relax  10. Pocket Change 11. Silverdome 12. Trillogy 13. Squadlive Encore: 14. Phyllis Adam Deitch - drums Jesus Coomes - bass Adam Smirnoff - guitar Ryan Zoidis - saxophone Eric Bloom - trumpet Neal Evans - keyboards

Files (download all files)
Lettuce2017-07-01.txt (download)
Lettuce2017-07-01.ffp (download)