The Late Ancients LateAncients2011-09-20._North_Star-Bar
2011-09-20 North Star Bar_Philadelphia, PA

The Late Ancients Live at North Star Bar_Philadelphia, PA on 2011-09-20

01. 01-Moving Train 02. 02-Mystic Winds 03. 03-Mission Bell 04. 04-Senoria Serenade 05. 05-9 to 5 Blues 06. 06-Scarlet Maiden 07. 07-Light Up or Leave Me 08. 08-Poor Elvira 09. 09-The Getaway

Files (download all files)
LateAncients2011-09-20._North_Star-Bar.md5 (download)
LateAncients2011-09-20._North_Star-Bar.ffp (download)
LateAncients2011-09-20._North_Star-Bar.txt (download)