Kate Gaffney KG2007-03-27.mtx
2007-03-27 World Cafe Live

Kate Gaffney Live at World Cafe Live on 2007-03-27

Source 89576
12% AKG 414XLS/ST>Edirol R-4 @24/96 (at Stage Lip)
18% Schoeps MK4V's>Schoeps VMS02IB>Edirol R-4@24/96 (ONSTAGE)
70% Soundboard>Edirol R-09 @24/48

the 2 microphone sources were mixed in Soundforge 8, then resampled to 24/48

the Soundboard source was then mixed in. Wavelab 5.0 was used for fades and Apogee UV22HR dithering to 16bit/44.1khz

Recorded By Keith Litzenberger & Nick Carbonetta

Bit Older (CK,AD,KG)* (Performed duet during Chris Kasper's set) Give It A Whirl(KG) 11 Degrees (KG) My Word (KG) The Coachman (KG,AD) Fallen For The Road (KG,AD) On My Own Again(KG,AL) Before I Go (KG,AD,AL) 13th Street(KG,AD,AL) Philadelphia Lawyer(KG,AD,AL) Encores: Tangled Up In Blue (CK,KG,AD,BB) Long Monday (CK,KG,AD)

Files (download all files)
KG2007-03-27.mtx.md5 (download)
KG2007-03-27.txt (download)