Kung Fu KF2018-03-15.AshvilleMusicHallTelefunkenMatrix
2018-03-15 Ashville Music Hall

Kung Fu Live at Ashville Music Hall on 2018-03-15

Kung Fu  2018-03-15 Ashville Music Hall  Ashville, NC Telefunken M60 (On-Stage) + SBD > Sound Devices 744T (24/48) > CF > Macbook Pro > Adobe Audition > Flac Recorded & Mastered By Scott Medeiros One Set: 01  02 Sfvendago 03  04 Caught Up 05 Hollywood Kisses 06 Dirty Power 07 Cookie Monster --> 08 Hey Nineteen --> 09 Oh Sheit It's Ecstacy --> 10 Samurai Encore: 11 Scrabb  (Cut) * * Recording was being recorded from stage and after show stage hands cut power to stage, so last file didnt save. Kung Fu Is: Tim Palmieri - Guitar / Vox Adrian Tramontano - Drums Robert Somerville - Sax / Vox Chris DeAngelis - Bass / Vox Beau Sasser - Keys / Vox LD - Matthew Calabreese  TM - Scott Medeiros Youtube  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbLDkrWkBjNDP6-qzikPN5g Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/pages/MuzikWize-Live-Recordings/681543778579073?ref=hl Archive.org https://archive.org/details/@scottmedeiros