Jerry Pranksters JerryPrankstersLiveAtBobsTavernHavelockNE2014-03-21JerryPranksters_201403

Jerry Pranksters live at Bob's Tavern, Havelock, NE, 2014-03-21Jerry Pranksters

Jerry Pranksters live at Bob's Tavern, Havelock, NE, 2014-03-21 SET ONE Me and My Uncle, Dark Hollow, Easy Wind, Brown-Eyed Women, Tough Mama, Midnight Moonlight, Deal, Ripple, Mama Tried, Mr. Charlie SET TWO Dire Wolf, Scarlet Begonias----Fire on the Mountain, Playin’ in the Band----Shakedown Street----Playin’ Reprise, Ramble on Rose, Sugar Magnolia SET THREE Estimated Prophet----Uncle John’s Band----Sampson and Delilah, New Speedway Boogie----The Other One, Going Down the Road Feeling Bad (Randy the keyboard player was sick and couldn’t make the gig)

Files (download all files)
JerryPrankstersLiveAtBobsTavernHavelockNE2014-03-21JerryPranksters_201403.md5 (download)
JerryPrankstersLiveAtBobsTavernHavelockNE2014-03-21JerryPranksters_201403.ffp (download)