Jabudah Jabudah2004-05-21.ANDYMORESI.SeniorRecital.flac16
2004-05-21 CSUN Recital Hall

Jabudah Live at CSUN Recital Hall on 2004-05-21

1. Sandu 2. Good Enough to Keep 3. Soul Eyes 4. There Will Never Be Another You 5. A child is born 6. Bonita 7. Bach To Bach 8. Geno 9. High Black

Files (download all files)
Jabudah2004-05-21.AM.fingerprint.ffp.txt (download)
Jabudah2004-05-21.ANDYMORESI.SeniorRecital.flac16.md5 (download)
Jabudah2004-05-21.ANDYMORESI.SeniorRecital.flac16.ffp (download)