Garage A Trois GAT2011-11-11
2011-11-11 Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park

Garage A Trois Live at Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park on 2011-11-11

Source 120209
Source: Oktava mk012 w Busman Mod(Cards) >Gakcables >Fostex FR-2LE (16/44) >CF Card

Transfer: Wavelab 5(Resample and Dithering) >CD Wave (Tracking) >TLH >Flac 16 (Level 8)>Tagged with Foobar 2000

Recorded & Transferred by Dnuggs

TR01: TR02: TR03: TR04: TR05: TR06: TR07: TR08: TR09: TR10:

Files (download all files)
GarageATrois2011-11-11.txt (download)
GarageATrois2011-11-11.oktava.dnuggs.ffp (download)
GAT2011-11-11.ffp (download)
GAT2011-11-11.md5 (download)