Earth Diver E.D2017-01-27.E.D2017-01-27
2017-01-27 Flanagan's Pub
Earth Diver Live at Flanagan's Pub on 2017-01-27
Thank you  Flanagan's Pub  for a great night!  Flanagan's Pub 1/27/17 Set 1 E Blues> One Night Stand Long Division Wind & Rain Midnight Hike NH Earth Diver> Machine Shop Women Ourono's Field Soul Grifter  Boomerang Gtg Set 2 Piece of the puzzle  KodaMiKoda> Drums & Bass> Deep Space Wash Out> River Caves Bong the Ocean  Back Flip>* Cannon Ball> Oracle Encore  Dabbin Dad Deal** *unfinished **Grateful Dead Cover