Dumpstaphunk Dumpstaphunk2011-07-09
2011-07-09 DMB Caravan 2011

Dumpstaphunk Live at DMB Caravan 2011 on 2011-07-09

Ivan Neville's Dumpstaphunk Lakeside - South Works Stage Chicago, IL DMB Caravan 2011 July 9, 2011 Taper: Crumbo Location: VIP, SBD, Just ROC Source: Schoeps CCM4 (DINa, ~17') > Sound Devices 722(24/48) Conversion: Sound Devices 722 > Wavelab 6.11 (resample, dither w/MegaBitMax) > CDWav 1.98 > xACT 0.5.9 > foobar2000 01 Intro 00:09.61 02 Deeper + 07:59.59 03 Gasman * 07:51.39 04 Do You Really Want Me 05:37.34 05 Everybody Wants Sum 06:59.40 06 If I'm In Luck, I Might Get Picked Up 06:04.62 07 Meanwhile... 10:55.55 Total: 45:38.50 Notes: + Level adjustments for the first minute. * Jeff Coffin and Rashawn Ross -Did my best with tracking and the setlist. -Thanks to Mike, Jon and the wall of blockers. Compiled by Crumbo 7-16-2011.

Files (download all files)
inevilles-dumpstaphunk2011-07-09.ccm4.flac16.txt (download)
Dumpstaphunk2011-07-09.md5 (download)
inevilles-dumpstaphunk2011-07-09.ccm4.flac16.ffp (download)
shntool.txt (download)
Dumpstaphunk2011-07-09.ffp (download)