Dodgy Dodgy2012-05-01.at933
2012-05-01 The Lexington

Dodgy Live at The Lexington on 2012-05-01

1. Intro (Mark Ellen) 2. Tripped And Fell 3. What Became Of You 4. Shadows 5. Did It Have to Be This Way 6. We Try 7. Raggedstone Hill 8. Only A Heartbeat 9. Back Of You 10. Happy Ending ---encore--- 11. Long Black Veil 12. Staying Out For The Summer

Files (download all files)
Dodgy2012-05-01.at933.ffp (download)
Dodgy2012-05-01.at933.md5 (download)
dodgy2012-05-01at933.ffp (download)
dodgy2012-05-01at933.md5 (download)
dodgy20120501.txt (download)