Drive-By Truckers DBT2019-07-05.dpa4022.aud.flac16
2019-07-05 Lee's Palace

Drive-By Truckers Live at Lee's Palace on 2019-07-05

Drive-By Truckers 07-05-2019 Lee’s Palace Toronto, Canada Source: DPA 4022s > MixPre6 @ 24/48 Transfer: SDHC card > iMac > Sound Studio > xACT (flac level 8) Mic pole clamped to soundboard table DFC *16bit/44.1khz fileset* Recorded and transferred by Tom Huster (BigTom)   01. Sedan Delivery Intro 02. The Living Bubba 03. Self-Destructive Zones 04. Why Henry Drinks 05. Love Like This 06. The Night GG Allin Came to Town 07. One of These Days 08. Puttin’ People on the Moon 09. A Ghost to Most 10. Heathens Banter 11. Heathens 12. Where the Devil Don’t Stay  13. Lookout Mountain  14. When the Pin Hits the Shell 15. Mercy Buckets 16. Ramon Casiano 17. Darkened Flags on the Cusp of Dawn 18. Surrender Under Protest  19. The KKK Took My Baby Away 20. The Company I Keep 21. Zip City  22. Let There Be Rock 23. Gravity’s Gone  24. A World of Hurt 25. Shit Shots Count* 26. The Tough Sell 27. Marry Me 28. Hell No, I Ain’t Happy>Sign O’ the Times>Hell No, I Ain’t Happy  29. People Who Died *dedicated to Jon Dee Graham