Drive-By Truckers DBT2019-07-03.DBT2019-07-03.dpa4022.aud.flac16
2019-07-03 Lee's Palace

Drive-By Truckers Live at Lee's Palace on 2019-07-03

Drive-By Truckers 07-03-2019 Lee’s Palace Toronto, Canada Source: DPA 4022s > MixPre6 @ 24/48 Transfer: SDHC card > iMac > Sound Studio > xACT (flac level 8) Mic pole clamped to soundboard table DFC *16bit/44.1khz fileset* Recorded and transferred by Tom Huster   Beastie Boys Intro (Professor Booty) Where the Devil Don’t Stay Tornadoes Self-Destructive Zones Wednesday  Women Without Whiskey Heroin Again Slow Ride Argument  Babies in Cages Ramon Casiano  After the Scene Dies When the Pin Hits the Shell* Do It Yourself Gravity’s Gone Sinkhole  Uncle Frank  Goode’s Field Road Made Up English Oceans  Rosemary with a Bible and a Gun Sounds Better in the Song (Something’s Got to) Give Pretty Soon  Three Dimes Down Used to be a Cop Guitar Man Upstairs  Careless Shit Shots Count Dead, Drink and Naked Zip City Grand Canyon