Drive-By Truckers DBT2018-02-03.dpa4022.flac24
2018-02-03 The Moore Theater

Drive-By Truckers Live at The Moore Theater on 2018-02-03

Drive-By Truckers 2018-02-03 The Moore Theater Seattle, WA 01. Intro 02. Guns of Umpqua 03. Where the Devil Dont Stay 04. Ronnie and Neil 05. 72 (This Highways Mean) 06. Goodes Field Road 07. Women Without Whiskey 08. Southern Accents (Tom Petty cover) - Ever South 09. Surrender Under Protest 10. Used To Be A Cop 11. Guitar Man Upstairs 12. The Company I Keep 13. Shit Shots Count 14. What It Means 15. Filthy And Fried 16. The Righteous Path  17. A Ghost To Most 18. Ramon Casiano 19. The KKK Took My Baby Away (Ramones cover) 20. Hell No I Aint Happy - Sign O The Times (Prince cover) - Hell No I Aint Happy Thanks to Drive-By Truckers and the Moore Theater for allowing the evening to be recorded. Thanks to Colin for the setlist help! Please support live music and taper friendly bands by purchasing their merchandise and official releases.  Source Info: DPA 4022 > Sound Devices Mix Pre 6 24/48 Dead Center, Balcony Rail Recorded by John Hermsen (aka down2earthlandscaper)

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