Drive-By Truckers DBT2012-07-14.DBT-GTarhgee-071412
2012-07-14 Grand Tarhgee Music Festival

Drive-By Truckers Live at Grand Tarhgee Music Festival on 2012-07-14

Source 128559
2x Neumann U-89's (Set to Hyper Card, spaced approx 9" set at 70 degree's)
1x Neumann Km150
Mix done in Wavelab with 89's panned hard left and right and 140 paned down the center.
Wave S1-Audio Imager was used on 89's to widen image and on center channel (140) to narrow image.

Setlist: I don't know it all so i wont post it. If you know it post it and i'll change the file info.

Files (download all files)
Dbt-grandTarhgee7-14-12.md5 (download)
DBT2012-07-14.DBT-GTarhgee-071412.ffp (download)
DBT2012-07-14.DBT-GTarhgee-071412.md5 (download)
Dbt-grandTarhgee7-14-12.txt (download)