Drive-By Truckers DBT2012-04-17.DBT2012-04-17mg21
2012-04-17 The Jefferson Theatre

Drive-By Truckers Live at The Jefferson Theatre on 2012-04-17

Source 128590
Source: sms2000 mg21 > M148 > hdp2 (24/48)
Location: center balcony
Transfer: fc reader > Wavelab (dither/resample)
>tlh (fix sbe, flac)

01. The Fourth Night Of My Drinking 02. Where The Devil Don't Stay 03. Used To Be A Cop 04. Self Destructive Zones 05. Mercy Buckets * 06. Carl Perkins' Cadillac 07. The Righteous Path 08. Pulaski 09. The Living Bubba 10. A Ghost to Most 11. Goode's Field Road 12. Women Without Whiskey 13. Feb 14 14. 3 Dimes Down 15. Play It All Night 16. Gravity's Gone 17. Buttholeville/State Trooper ENCORE 18. Marry Me 19. Let There Be Rock 20. Zip City ** 21. Hell No, I Ain't Happy 22. People Who Died * dedicated to Levon Helm ** dedicated to the 'ladies'

Files (download all files)
DBT2012-04-17.DBT2012-04-17mg21.md5 (download)
DBT2012-04-17info.txt (download)
DBT2012-04-17.DBT2012-04-17mg21.ffp (download)
DBT2012-04-17flac16mg21.md5 (download)
md5_dbt2012-04-17.txt (download)