Drive-By Truckers DBT2005-06-11
2005-06-11 Point State Park, Three Rivers Arts Festival, Volkswagen Stage

Drive-By Truckers Live at Point State Park, Three Rivers Arts Festival, Volkswagen Stage on 2005-06-11

Source 33207
AKG 391 > Edirol UA-5 (Alex Herd)

1 set Disc 1: 01. -tuning- 02. Tornadoes 03. Uncle Frank 04. Decoration Day 05. Puttin' People on the Moon 06. Daddy's Cup 07. My Sweet Annette 08. The Buford Stick 09. Never Gonna Change 10. The Day John Henry Died 11. Buttholeville 12. Guitar Man Upstairs 13. Women Without Whiskey 14. Sink Hole 15. Outfit Disc 2: 01. Zip City 02. Let There Be Rock 03. Lookout Mountain ENCORE: 04. The Living Bubba

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