Drive-By Truckers DBT2004-11-26.flac16
2004-11-26 B&A Warehouse

Drive-By Truckers Live at B&A Warehouse on 2004-11-26

Source 27339
16 Bit: Peavey PVM480s > Edirol UA-5 > Toshiba 2060 CDS

The Buford Stick Sink Hole Daddy's Cup Never Gonna Change Sands Of Iwo Jima Carl Perkins' Cadillac Cotton Seed 18 Wheels Of Love Goddamn Lonely Love Decoration Day Puttin' People on the Moon Lookout Mountain Outfit Marry Me Let There Be Rock

Files (download all files)
DBT2004-11-26.txt (download)
DBT2004-11-26.ffp.txt (download)