Cracker Cracker2013-07-19
2013-07-19 Beach Boardwalk

Cracker Live at Beach Boardwalk on 2013-07-19

CVB 01. Pictures Of Matchstick Men 02. Seven Languages 03. Take The Skinheads Bowling 04. Northern California Girls Cracker 05. Been Around The World 06. Low 07. Teen Angst 08. Big Dipper 09. DJ outro CVB 10. DJ intro 11. CVB intro 12. White Riot 13. Wasted 14. Shut Us Down 15. R 'n' R Uzbekistan 16. Eye Of Fatima 17. Take The Skinheads Bowling 18. Good Guys & Bad Guys  Cracker 19. Eurotrash Girl 20. Get Off This 21. Low 22. Loser 23. encore break 24. encore intro 25. One Fine Day 26. DJ outtro 27. music over PA 28. recordist's signout

Files (download all files)
Cramper2013-07-19.md5 (download)
Cracker2013-07-19.ffp (download)
Cramper2013-07-19-info.txt (download)
Cramper2013-07-19.ffp (download)
Cracker2013-07-19.md5 (download)