The Brew Brew2010-08-27.Salvo
2010-08-27 Port City Music Hall

The Brew Live at Port City Music Hall on 2010-08-27

(one set) disc 1: 1. Radio Swiss 2. Chance Fakeout> 3. Looking Down 4. Head Over Heels* 5. Chance Reaching 6. Make Me Stay 7. Seen It All**> 8. Slippin' Through The City** 9. Black Train 10. Billie Jean disc 2: 1. No Rest> 2. Sharks In The Pool 3. Hard Enough To Break** 4. Eyes Of The Giant 5. Who's The Boss 6. Faces^> 7. My Sharonna Jam^^> 8. Faces 9. -encore break- E: 10. The Flood** 11. What I Want *- Tears For Fears **- w/ Seth Campbell on Flute and Keys ***- Michael Jackson; w/ audience member dance contest ^- w/ roataion jam (Chris on guitar/Dave on drums) ^^ The Knack

Files (download all files)
Brew2010-08-27.Salvo.md5 (download)
Brew2010-08-27.Salvo.ffp (download)
Brew2010-08-27.txt (download)