Binger Binger_Live_Radio_Bean_7_18_15
2015-07-18 Radio Bean
Binger Live at Radio Bean on 2015-07-18
Set Info: Strings, P.i.E., 1979 (Smashing Pumpkins cover), Buttonz* > Sequoia 3, I Believe I Can Fly (R. Kelly cover)%, Happy Birthday to Kiera%, Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots pt. 1 (Flaming Lips cover)%, Untitled 1$, Warm When Wet (Squimley and the Woolens cover)#. New Groove, Broken String Blues@ > Look at the Lilacs, Untitled 2$, Abstraction * - contained Jurassic Park tease % - featuring vocals by Kiera Tachibana $ - debuts # - featuring Squimley and the Woolens (Charlie McKenna, Braden Lalancette, Nick Ledak) on vocals, bass, and guitar, respectively, sitting in with Dalton on drums @ - bass and drum jam while Braden changes guitar string broken during New Groove jam