Benevento/Russo BeneventoRussoDuo2004-09-08
2004-09-08 Blind Pig

Benevento/Russo Live at Blind Pig on 2004-09-08

Marco Benevento and Joe Russo Duo Blind Pig, Ann Arbor, MI September 8, 2004 (Om Trio opened) source: SBD (rca feed, Allen and Heath GL-2200) > Mackie 1202vlz >DA-30 Mk II 44.1kHz transfer: DA-30 mk II > Digi002 rack > Pro Tools LE > CDwav > FLAC house console was an Allen and Heath GL-2200 recorded by Dave Schall house sound by Nick Hytinen (This was recorded on DAT because my Pro Tools rig was down due to a massive computer crash, so the date is accurate. This is not the February 12, 2004 Blind Pig show) Set 1: 1. Welcome Red 2. Becky 3. Three Question Marks 4. Vortex 5. Scratchitti 6. Four Sticks 7. Mephisto 8. Impact Set 2: 1. Bronko's Blues 2. Sunny 3. Abduction Pose 4. Myxomatosis > 5. My Pet Goat 6. Bye Ya setlist provided by Marco

Files (download all files)
Duo2004-09-08.txt (download)
Duo2004-09-08.md5 (download)