Big Leg Emma BLE2013-03-09
2013-03-09 Club Infinity

Big Leg Emma Live at Club Infinity on 2013-03-09

d1t01-Whisper d1t02-Prophecy d1t03-Sometimes d1t04-Where the Wild Things Grow d1t05-Rain's Gonna Fall d1t06-Cornfed d1t07-Sing to Me d1t08-Walls of Jordan d2t01-Hey Maker d2t02-Warning Signs d2t03-Daniel d1t04-Banter d1t05-Peoples 01. Whisper 01. Whisper 02. Prophecy 02. Prophecy 03. Sometimes 03. Sometimes 04. Where the Wild Things Grow 04. Where the Wild Things Grow 05. Rain's Gonna Fall 05. Rain's Gonna Fall 06. Cornfed 06. tmp 07. Sing to Me 07. tmp 08. tmp 08. Walls of Jordan 09. Hey Maker 09. tmp 10. tmp 10. Warning Signs 11. Daniel 11. tmp 12. Banter 12. tmp 13. Peoples 13. tmp

Files (download all files)
BLE2013-03-09.ffp (download)
BLE2013-03-09.md5 (download)
BLE2013-03-09.txt (download)