Aqueous Aqueous2018-10-19.FridayPalaceSchoepsFlac16
2018-10-19 The Palace Theatre

Aqueous Live at The Palace Theatre on 2018-10-19

Aqueous Palace Theatre Saint Paul, MN Friday October 19, 2018 Schoeps MK41 (Hypercardioid)>Sound Devices MixPre6, 3/4 (24 Bit,48kHz) Format: 16-bit, 44.1 kHz, Soundforge (dither, resample to 16Bit 44.1kHz)   Taped and transferred by Cliff Morse 01. Kitty Chaser (Explosions) > 02. Half In, Half Out 03.  Warren in the Window 04. Skyway

Files (download all files)
2018-10-19FriAqueousPalaceStPaulMN_Schoeps.txt (download)
2018-10-19FriAqueous_PalaceStPaulMN_SchoepsMK41.ffp (download)
2018-10-19FriAqueousPalaceStPaulMN_Schoeps_ffp.txt (download)