Agents of Mercy AoM2011-05-22.TerraIncognitaFest_QuebecCity_flac16
2011-05-22 Terra Incognita Festival, Centre d'Arts La Chapelle

Agents of Mercy Live at Terra Incognita Festival, Centre d'Arts La Chapelle on 2011-05-22

Agents Of Mercy, Terra Incognita Festival, Quebec City, May 22nd, 2011 The Duke Of Sadness Peace United The Fading Ghosts Of Twilight Cinnamon Tree Journey Time The Black Forest Conspiracy A Different Sun Encore: A Man Can Feel (Transatlantic cover) The Last Few Grains Of Hope Personnel: Nad Sylvan: vocals Roine Stolt: Guitar, vocals Jonas Reingold: bass guitar Lalle Larsson: keyboards, scat and backing vocals Walle Wahlgren: drums Recording Info: Edirol R-09 24-bit, 44.1KHz -> Sonar 7 -> EQ -> Limiting -> Dither to 16-bit, 44.1KHz -> Audacity to separate into individual tracks If you like this please support the Flower Kings (and related projects such as Agents of Mercy) by buying their official releases at and at so that music like this can continue to be made!

Files (download all files)
AoM2011-05-22.TerraIncognitaFest_QuebecCity_flac16.ffp (download)
AoM2011-05-22.TerraIncognitaFest_QuebecCity_flac16.md5 (download)
TrackList.txt (download)