Identifiers for moe.
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Archive Identifier | |
Date | Venue |
Source | |
moe1997-01-21mdnk.dmtrx.shn | |
1997-01-21 | the wetlands |
34290 | [Soundboard + AKG414s > Mackie 1202 > Behringer Composer] + > SV3800 -> Behringer Ultramatch (48K->44.1K) -> SGI Indigo^2 -> CDWav -> SHN (no EAC) |
moe1997-01-21.MTX | |
1997-01-21 | Wetlands Preserve |
moe1997-01-21.mk4v.flac16 | |
1997-01-21 | Wetlands Preserve |
117217 | flac1644 Schoeps CMC6/MK4v > Oade Deluxe > Tascam DA-P1 > DAT (1) (44.1 khz); Sony PCM-2600 (S/PDIF) > Sound Devices 722 (16/44.1) > Firewire > Macbook > Sound Studio 3.6 > xACT 2.13 > flac16 (level 8); Taped by: Dr. Stan Lobitz; Transferred and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe |
moe.1997-01-22 | |
1997-01-22 | The Bayou |
moe1997-01-23.mk4.flac16 | |
1997-01-23 | Theatre of the Living Arts |
118163 | flac1644 Schoeps CMC6/MK4 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Sony SBM-1 > DAT(M) (44.1 khz); Sony PCM-2600 (S/PDIF) > Sound Devices 722 (16/44.1) > Firewire > Macbook > Sound Studio 3.6 > xACT 2.15 > flac16 (level 8 ); Taped by: Craig Hillwig; Transferred and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe |
moe1997-01-23.flac | |
1997-01-23 | Theatre of the Living Arts |
moe.1997-01-24.flac16 | |
1997-01-24 | Paradise Theater |
moe1997-01-25.flac | |
1997-01-25 | Iron Horse Music Hall |
moe1997-01-29.shnf | |
1997-01-29 | Grenada Theater |
34317 | DSBD @ 44.1 > DA-20 mkii> Delta Dio 2496 > Soundforge 4.5> CDWAV > SHN |
moe1997-01-29.flac16 | |
1997-01-29 | Granada Theater |
moe1997-01-30.flac | |
1997-01-30 | Barrymore Theater |
moe1997-01-30.sbd.flac | |
1997-01-30 | Barrymore Theatre |
moe1997-02-01early.flac | |
1997-02-01 | The Vic Theatre |
moe1997-02-01late.flac | |
1997-02-01 | otis' |
moe1997-02-02.flac | |
1997-02-02 | Earlham College |
moe1997-02-04.flac | |
1997-02-04 | The Blue Note |
moe1997-02-05dnk.shnf | |
1997-02-05 | 328 Performance Hall |
11952 | Source: Nak 100 > D7 > DAT > CDr > EAC > mkwACT > .shn |
moe1997-02-07.mtx.flac16 | |
1997-02-07 | Variety Playhouse |
moe1997-02-08.sbd.flac16 | |
1997-02-08 | Flamingo's |
moe1997-02-11.flac | |
1997-02-11 | Club Dada |
moe1997-02-12.flac | |
1997-02-12 | Fabulous Satellite Lounge |
moe1997-02-12.AT | |
1997-02-12 | Fablous Satellite Lounge |
moe1997-02-13.flac | |
1997-02-13 | the white rabbit |
moe1997-02-14flac_fixed | |
1997-02-14 | the mercury |
moe1997-02-21.flac16 | |
1997-02-21 | Fox Theater |
134404 | flac1644 Matrix - SBD + AKG414's > DAT; DAT (clone) > Panasonic 3700 > M-Audio Delta Dio 2496 > SoundForge 6.0 (48kHz 44.1kHz & fades) > CDWav > FLAC; Transfer by Mike Niven |
moe1997-02-21.dsbd.flacf | |
1997-02-21 | Fox Theater |
moe1997-02-22.flac16 | |
1997-02-22 | Starlight |
34362 | flac1644 Set 1: Microtech Gefell m210s (xy/60*) > Lunatec 316 > Apogee AD1000 | Set 2: Schoeps mk41/cmc6 (xy) > Lunatec 316 > Apogee AD1000 > Panasonic SV 3800 > RME Multiset > Wave Lab 4.0 > .wav > CDWave > .wav > FLAC; Taper: Marc Nutter; Transferer: Phil Lucks |
moe1997-02-24.flac | |
1997-02-24 | gibson's |
moe1997-02-26mdnk.dmtrx.shn | |
1997-02-26 | the coach house |
34363 | Matrix [SBD] + [AKG 414s] > DAT > SV3800 > Behringer Ultramatch (48K->44.1K) > SGI Indigo^2 > CD Wave > SHN (no EAC) |
moe1997-02-28dnk.shnf | |
1997-02-28 | Troubadore |
34365 | B&K 4021s > Apogee AD1000 > HHb PDR1000 > SV3800 > Behringer Ultramatch (48K->44.1K) > SGI Indigo^2 > CDWave > .shn (no EAC) |
moe1997-03-01.matrix.flacf | |
1997-03-01 | Great American Music Hall |
moe1997-03-01.flac | |
1997-03-01 | Great American Music Hall |
moe1997-03-05.flac | |
1997-03-05 | wild duck |
moe.1997-03-06..flac | |
1997-03-06 | berbatis fan |
moe1997-03-07dnk.matrix.shnf | |
1997-03-07 | Backstage |
8800 | SBD + AUD (AKG 414s) -> Behringer Composer -> Mackie 1202 -> DAT; SV3800 -> Behringer Ultramatch (48K->44.1K) -> CDWav -> SHN (no EAC) |
moe1997-03-09.flac | |
1997-03-09 | Town Pump |
moe.1997-03-12.flac | |
1997-03-12 | cat's paw |
moe1997-03-12 | |
1997-03-12 | Cats Paw |
moe.1997-03-14.flac | |
1997-03-14 | the bottleneck |
moe1997-03-15-flac16 | |
1997-03-15 | The Side Door |
119059 | flac1644 Shure SM57's > Sony TCD-D10 ProII > DAT @48KHz |
moe1997-03-15.sbd16 | |
1997-03-15 | The Side Door |
moe1997-03-17a.shnf | |
1997-03-17 | BJ Records |
34370 | Peavey DVM 480 > DAP1 > D3(m) > DAT clone > D8(master clone) > Monster coax > Delta DiO 2496 > CDWave > mkwACT |
moe1997-03-17b.shnf | |
1997-03-17 | Gunnerz |
34369 | Matrix: [AKG 414s] + [SBD] > DA-P1 > D3(m) > DAT clone > D8(master clone) > Monster coax > Delta DiO 2496 > CD Wave > mkwACT |
moe1997-03-20.shnf | |
1997-03-20 | Barrymore Theatre |
34373 | sbd > dat > cass (master) > cass/2 > Sony D8 (dat) |
moe1997-03-21.shnf | |
1997-03-21 | Double Door |
moe1997-03-21.Schaefer | |
1997-03-21 | The Double Door |
154242 | flac1648 AKG 414 + C3000's (4 mic mix) > Oade Pre > DA-P1; Tascam DA-30 MKII > Tascam DR-680 > Audacity > WAV > Traders Little Helper > FLAC; Taper Unknown; Transferred & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-03-22.sbd.48k.flac16 | |
1997-03-22 | Blind Pig |
moe1997-03-22.flac16 | |
1997-03-22 | Blind Pig |
moe1997-03-24dnk.shn | |
1997-03-24 | vogue theater |
34374 | DSBD matrix with AKG414 (Brenmix) > DA302 -> Midiman Delta DiO 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 (48K->44.1K) -> CDwav -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe.1997-03-27.flac | |
1997-03-27 | peabody's down under |
moe1997-03-28dnk.shnf | |
1997-03-28 | Water St. Music Hall |
9351 | Schoeps CMC64V (hanging from balcony) -> Oade -> DAP1(m) @ 44.1KHz; DA302 -> H/K CDR2 -> EAC -> CDWav -> Soundforge 5.0 -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) |
moe.1997-04-03.flac | |
1997-04-03 | somerville theater |
moe.1997-04-03.flac16 | |
1997-04-03 | Somerville Theater |
moe1997-04-04.mk21.flac16 | |
1997-04-04 | Irving Plaza |
124320 | flac1644 Schoeps CMC6/MK21 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Sony SBM-1 > DAT(M) (44.1 khz); Sony PCM-2600 (Apogee AES/EBU) > Sound Devices 722 (16/44.1) > Firewire > Macbook > Sound Studio 3.6 > xACT 2.21 > flac16 (level 8 ); Taped by: Craig Hillwig; Transferred and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe |
moe1997-04-04 | |
1997-04-04 | Irving Plaza |
moe1997-04-05 | |
1997-04-05 | The Bayou |
102727 | flac1644 SBD + 2xAKG414 (onstage) -> Mackie 1202 mixer -> Behringer Composer pro MDX2200 2CH compressor/expander (set up in a ducking or voice over configuration) -> Tascam DAP1 (@16/48) -> DAT(m)' Sony R500 -> Sound Devices 722, Mastering in Soundforge Audio Studio 9.0d > FLAC |
moe1997-04-05.m300.48khz.flac16 | |
1997-04-05 | The Bayou |
117676 | flac1648 Microtech Gefell M300 > Beyer MV100 > Tascam DA-P1 > DAT(1) (48 khz); Sony PCM-2600 (S/PDIF) > Sound Devices 722 (16/48) > Firewire > Macbook > Sound Studio 3.6 > xACT 2.15 > flac16; Taped by: Gary Fox; Transferred and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe |
moe1997-04-05.m300.flac16 | |
1997-04-05 | The Bayou |
117675 | flac1644 Microtech Gefell M300 > Beyer MV100 > Tascam DA-P1 > DAT(1) (48 khz); Sony PCM-2600 (S/PDIF) > Sound Devices 722 (16/48) > Firewire > Macbook > Sound Studio 3.6 > Wave Editor 1.5.5 > xACT 2.15 > flac16; Taped by: Gary Fox; Transferred and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe |
moe1997-04-07.matrix | |
1997-04-07 | Jack Straw's |
moe1997-04-08 | |
1997-04-08 | Jack Straw's |
153673 | flac1644 SBD; Cassette > Marantz PMD 561 > WAV > Audacity > TLH > FLAC; Taper Unknown; Transferred & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe.1997-04-10.matrix | |
1997-04-10 | The Brewery |
moe1997-04-11.matrix | |
1997-04-11 | Flamingo's |
moe1997-04-11.akg461.flac16 | |
1997-04-11 | Flamingo's |
moe1997-04-15.flac | |
1997-04-15 | Met Cafe |
moe1997-04-16dnk.shnf | |
1997-04-16 | Saratoga Winners |
34380 | FOB-center floor / B&K4021 (8.5', 90d) -> Apogee AD1000 (-20) -> HHb PDR1000 D(m) @ 48kHz > DA302 -> Midiman Delta DiO 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 (48K->44.1K) -> CDwav -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe1997-04-16 | |
1997-04-16 | Saratoga Winners |
145407 | flac1648 SBD; Tascam DA-30 mkII > S/PDIF > M Audio Microtrack 24/96 > WAV > Audacity > Traders Little Helper > FLAC; Taper Unknown; Transferred & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-04-17.flac | |
1997-04-17 | Club Toast |
moe1997-04-19.shnf | |
1997-04-19 | Sayre Field - Lehigh University |
34381 | Neumann TLM170s (FOB,DFC) > SX-M2 > AD500E > D(m) > D(1>2) @ 48kHz > DA302 > Midiman Delta DiO 2496 > Soundforge 5.0 (48k -> 44.1k) > CD Wave > mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe1997-04-19dnk.shnf | |
1997-04-19 | Sayre Field - Lehigh University |
moe1997-04-23 | |
1997-04-23 | Zaphod Beeblebrox |
moe1997-04-24dnk.matrix.shnf | |
1997-04-24 | Equinox |
9352 | Matrix (SBD+AKG414s) > DAT > D2; SV3800 -> Behringer Ultramatch (48K->44.1K) -> CDWav -> SHN (no EAC) |
moe1997-04-25dnk.matrix.shnf | |
1997-04-25 | Lyons Hall, Boston College |
34384 | Matrix: [SBD] + [AKG 414s] > DAT > D1 > D2 > SV3800 > Behringer Ultramatch (48K > 44.1K) > CD Wave > .shn |
moe1997-05-01.flac | |
1997-05-01 | Hofstra University |
moe1997-05-01.ccm4.48khz.flac16 | |
1997-05-01 | Hofstra University |
117322 | flac16/48 Source: Schoeps CCM4>Sonosax SX-M2>Sony TCD-D8 (48 khz) Transfer: Sony PCM-2600(S/PDIF)>Sound Devices 722 (16/48)> Firewire>Macbook>Sound Studio 3.6>xACT 2.13>flac16 |
moe1997-05-01.ccm4.flac16 | |
1997-05-01 | Hofstra University |
117321 | flac1644 Schoeps CCM4 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Sony TCD-D8 (48 khz); Sony PCM-2600 (S/PDIF) > Sound Devices 722 (16/48) > Firewire > Macbook > Sound Studio 3.6 > Wave Editor 1.5.5 > xACT 2.13 > flac16; Taped by: Craig Savarick; Transferred and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe |
moe1997-05-08.flac | |
1997-05-08 | Theater of Living Arts |
moe1997-05-08.Schaefer | |
1997-05-08 | Theater of the Living Arts |
152115 | flac1648 DSBD / Matrix; Tascam DA-30 MKII > Marantz PMD 561 > Audacity > WAV > Traders Little Helper > FLAC; Taper Unknown; Transferred & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-05-09.flacf | |
1997-05-09 | Theater of the Living Arts |
moe1997-05-10.m300.flac16 | |
1997-05-10 | Simon Forum, Drew University |
117769 | flac1644 Microtech Gefell M300 > Beyer MV100 > Tascam DA-P1 > DAT(1) (44.1 khz); Sony PCM-2600 (S/PDIF) > Sound Devices 722 (16/44.1) > Firewire > Macbook > Sound Studio 3.6 (fades, normalize peak, +gain, track) > xACT 2.15 (align on sector boundaries, encode, tag, fingerprint) > flac16 (level 8 ); Taped by: Gary Fox; Transferred and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe |
moe1997-05-16.brenmix.48khz.flac16 | |
1997-05-16 | Buffalo Creek Music Festival |
moe1997-05-16.brenmix.flac16 | |
1997-05-16 | Buffalo Creek Music Festival |
118268 | flac1644 SBD+AKG 414 > Mackie 1202 > DAT(1) (48 khz); Sony PCM-2600 (S/PDIF) > Sound Devices 722 (16/48) > Firewire > Macbook > Sound Studio 3.6 > Wave Editor 1.5.5 > xACT 2.15 > flac16 (level 8 ); Transferred and seeded by: Lenny Stubbe |
moe1997-05-17.brenmix.48khz.flac16 | |
1997-05-17 | Buffalo Creek Music Festival |
moe1997-05-17.sbd.campbell.1150.sbeok.shnf | |
1997-05-17 | Buffalo Creek Music Festival |
moe.1997-06-20 | |
1997-06-20 | Coral Sky Pavilion |
120407 | flac1648 AT 822 > D8 -- Transfer: D8 > Behringer UCA202 > Audacity > WAV > FLAC |
moe1997-06-21dnk.sbd.shnf | |
1997-06-21 | Cat's Paw Studio |
34488 | Pre-FM master DAT > SV3800 > Behringer Ultramatch (48K > 44.1K) > SGI Indigo^2 > CDWav > .shn |
moe1997-06-23.sbd.48khz.flac16 | |
1997-06-23 | Jack Straw's |
120594 | flac 16/48Source: SBD>DAT (48 khz) Transfer: Sony PCM-2600(Apogee AES/EBU)>Sound Devices 722 (16/48)>Firewire>Macbook>Sound Studio 3.6>xACT 2.18>flac16 (level 8 ) |
moe1997-06-23.flac | |
1997-06-23 | jack straw's |
moe.1997-06-23 | |
1997-06-23 | Blockbuster Pavilion |
114011 | Source: Shure BG 4.0 > D8 > CD Lineage: CD > EAC > Audacity > WAV > FLAC |
moe1997-06-24 | |
1997-06-24 | Walnut Creek Amphitheater |
145400 | Source: Nakamichi CM-300's > Sony D8 (16/48) Transfer: Sony PCM R500 > Tascam DR-100MKII Taped & transferred by Mike Clark Tracked, FLAC'd & seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-06-26dnk.shnf | |
1997-06-26 | Virginia Beach Amphitheater |
34526 | DSBD > DA302 -> Midiman Delta DiO 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 (48K->44.1K) -> CDwav -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe1997-06-27dnk.shnf | |
1997-06-27 | Nissan Pavilion |
34527 | DSBD > DA302 -> Midiman Delta DiO 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 (48K->44.1K) -> CDwav -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe.1997-06-27.Nak700sNak300s.Baker.Flac1644 | |
1997-06-27 | Nissan Pavilion |
moe1997-06-28dnk.sbd.shnf | |
1997-06-28 | Sony Entertainment Center |
8801 | SBD -> DAT -> D2; SV3800 -> Behringer Ultramatch (48K->44.1K) -> CDWav -> SHN (no EAC) |
moe1997-06-28.flac16 | |
1997-06-28 | Sony Entertainment Center |
moe1997-06-30dnk.shnf | |
1997-06-30 | Montage Mountain Performing Arts Center |
34489 | dsbd > DA302 -> Midiman Delta DiO 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 (48K->44.1K) -> CDwav -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe.1997-07-01 | |
1997-07-01 | Greatwoods |
moe1997-07-04dnk.shnf | |
1997-07-04 | Riverside Park Racetrack |
34530 | Schoeps CMC6/MK21 (FOB) -> Sonosax SX-M2 -> HHb PDR-1000 > DA302 -> Midiman Delta DiO 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 (48K->44.1K) -> CDwav -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe1997-07-04.sbd.flacf | |
1997-07-04 | Riverside Park |
moe1997-07-06dnk.shnf | |
1997-07-06 | Saratoga Performing Arts Center |
34532 | DSBD > DA302 -> Midiman Delta DiO 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 (48K->44.1K) -> CDwav -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe.1997-07-06 | |
1997-07-06 | SPAC |
123521 | flac1648 Sennheiser 421's > D6 -- Transfer: CASS > Audacity > WAV > FLAC -- Taped by Everett Smith -- Transferred From Cassette Masters by Bill Graves |
moe1997-07-06.mtx.flac16 | |
1997-07-06 | Saratoga Performing Arts Center |
moe1997-07-08dnk.shnf | |
1997-07-08 | Darien Lake |
34534 | DSBD > DA302 -> Midiman Delta DiO 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 (48K->44.1K) -> CDwav -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe.1997-07-08 | |
1997-07-08 | Darien Lake PAC |
moe1997-07-09dnk.shnf | |
1997-07-09 | Molson Amphitheater |
34535 | DSBD > DA302 -> Midiman Delta DiO 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 (48K->44.1K) -> CDwav -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe1997-07-09.sbd.48khz.flac16 | |
1997-07-09 | Molson Amphitheatre |
120007 | flac 16/48 Source: SBD>Sony TCD-D7(M) (48 khz) Transfer: Sony PCM-2600(S/PDIF)>Sound Devices 722 (16/48)>Firewire>Macbook>Sound Studio 3.6>xACT 2.16>flac16 (level 8) |
moe1997-07-11dnk.sbd.shnf | |
1997-07-11 | Hershey Park Stadium |
moe1997-07-12dnk.sbd.shnf | |
1997-07-12 | Polaris Amphitheater |
9354 | SBD > DAT3; SV3800 -> Behringer Ultramatch (48K->44.1K) -> CDWav -> SHN (no EAC) |
moe1997-07-12 | |
1997-07-12 | Polaris Amphitheater |
137747 | flac1648 DSBD; Tascam DA-30 mkII > S/PDIF > M Audio Microtrack 24/96 > WAV > Audacity > Trader's Little Helper > FLAC; Taped by Mark Lynn; Transferred & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-07-13.48k.flac16 | |
1997-07-13 | Pine Knob |
moe1997-07-13.flac16 | |
1997-07-13 | Pine Knob |
moe1997-07-16.Stymie_Master | |
1997-07-16 | Riverbend Amphitheatre |
moe.1997-07-16 | |
1997-07-16 | Riverbend Amphitheater |
114019 | flac1644 Unknown AUD; CD > EAC > Audacity > WAV > FLAC; Transferred by Bill Graves |
moe.1997-07-16.Parkinglot | |
1997-07-16 | Riverbend Amphitheater Parking Lot |
114018 | flac1644 Unknown AUD; CD > EAC > Audacity > WAV > FLAC; Transferred by Bill Graves |
moe1997-07-18aud-dnk.shnf | |
1997-07-18 | Alpine Valley |
34539 | Mics & location unknown, AUD recording > SV3800 > Behringer Ultramatch (48K->44.1K) > SGI Indigo^2 > CDWave > .shn (no EAC) |
moe1997-07-18dnk.sbd.shnf | |
1997-07-18 | Alpine Valley Music Center |
34540 | SBD > SV3800 > Behringer Ultramatch (48K > 44.1K) > SGI Indigo^2 > CD Wave > .shn |
moe1997-07-18.MB_aud.48k.flac16 | |
1997-07-18 | Alpine Valley |
moe1997-07-18.MB_aud.flac16 | |
1997-07-18 | Alpine Valley |
moe.1997-07-18 | |
1997-07-18 | Alpine Valley Music Theater |
115741 | flac1648 Unknown AUD; Transfer: D8 > Behringer UCA202 > Audacity > WAV > FLAC |
moe.1997-07-19 | |
1997-07-19 | World Music Theater |
113660 | flac1644 DSBD; CD > EAC > Audacity > WAV > CD; Transferred from CD by Bill Graves |
moe1997-07-19.MB_aud.48k.flac16 | |
1997-07-19 | World Music Theater |
moe1997-07-19.MB_aud.flac16 | |
1997-07-19 | World Music Theater |
moe.1997-07-20 | |
1997-07-20 | Riverport Amphitheater |
113661 | flac1644 DSBD; CD > EAC > Audacity > WAV > CD; Transferred from CD by Bill Graves |
moe1997-07-20.akg451.darby.flac1648 | |
1997-07-20 | Riverport Amphitheatre |
moe1997-07-20.akg451.darby.flac1644 | |
1997-07-20 | Riverport Amphitheatre |
moe1997-07-22.flac16 | |
1997-07-22 | Deer Creek Music Center |
moe1997-07-22 | |
1997-07-22 | Deer Creek |
132497 | flac1644 Unknown AUD; Tascam DA-30 mkII > S/PDIF > M Audio Microtrack 24/96 > WAV > Audacity > Trader's Little Helper > FLAC; Taped by Jeff Frank; Transferred & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-07-22.SBD.flac16 | |
1997-07-22 | Deer Creek Music Center |
moe1997-07-27dnk.sbd.shnf | |
1997-07-27 | Fiddler's Green |
21852 | SBD -> DAT; SV3800 -> Behringer Ultramatch (48K->44.1K) -> SGI Indigo^2 -> CDWav -> SHN (no EAC) |
moe1997-07-27.akg451.darby.flac1644 | |
1997-07-27 | Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre |
moe1997-07-27.akg451.darby.flac1648 | |
1997-07-27 | Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre |
moe1997-07-30dnk.sbd.shnf | |
1997-07-30 | Mt. Taber Pub |
34542 | SBD > DAT > SV3800 > Behringer Ultramatch (48K > 44.1K) > SGI Indigo^2 > CD Wave > .shn |
moe1997-07-31dnk.shnf | |
1997-07-31 | Portland Meadows Amphitheater |
moe1997-08-02dnk.shnf | |
1997-08-02 | Shoreline Amphitheater |
34599 | DSBD > DA302 -> Midiman Delta DiO 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 (48K->44.1K) -> CDwav -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe1997-08-03dnk.shnf | |
1997-08-03 | Irvine Meadows Amphitheater |
34593 | DSBD > DA302 -> Midiman Delta DiO 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 (48K->44.1K) -> CDwav -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe1997-08-30dnk.matrix.shnf | |
1997-08-30 | Bear Valley, CA |
34601 | Matrix: [SBD] + [FOB Neumann KM54s] > DAT > DA-P1 > Ego-Sys U24 > Sony Vaio Picturebook C1MW > N-Track Studio > CD Wave > .shn |
moe1997-08-31.shnf | |
1997-08-31 | High Sierra Music Festival |
34592 | DSBD > DA-20 > Delta Dio 2496 > Soundforge 4.5 (48>44.1) > CD Wave > SHN |
moe1997-09-03.flac16 | |
1997-09-03 | Club Toast |
moe1997-09-05.sbd.flacf | |
1997-09-05 | Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel |
moe1997-09-06.sennheiser.flac16 | |
1997-09-06 | Somerville Theater |
moe1997-09-06.flac16 | |
1997-09-06 | Somerville Theater |
moe1997-09-07.Schaefer | |
1997-09-07 | Toad's Place |
150914 | flac1648 Schoeps CMC/MK4 > Sonosax > AD500E > D8; Tascam DA-30 MKII > Marantz PMD 561 > Audacity > WAV > Traders Little Helper > FLAC; Taper Unknown; Transferred & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-09-10 | |
1997-09-10 | Pearl Street |
128635 | flac1648 SBD + AKG414's > DAT; Taper Unknown; Transferred from DAT by Jeremy Davis; Tracked, Normalized, Uploaded & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-09-10.Schaefer | |
1997-09-10 | Pearl Street |
moe1997-09-11.matrix.flacf | |
1997-09-11 | Park West |
moe.1997-09-12.flac | |
1997-09-12 | water street music hall |
moe1997-09-12.matrix.flacf | |
1997-09-12 | Water Street Music Hall |
moe1997-09-13.matrix.flacf | |
1997-09-13 | Riviera Theatre |
moe1997-09-18.daud | |
1997-09-18 | The Rock |
moe1997-09-19.matrix.flacf | |
1997-09-19 | Electric Ballroom |
moe1997-09-20.matrix.flacf | |
1997-09-20 | Palace Theater |
moe.1997-09-22.sbd.shnf | |
1997-09-22 | Legends of the Lounge |
moe1997-09-23.flac16 | |
1997-09-23 | Emerald City |
moe1997-09-24.matrix.flacf | |
1997-09-24 | Belly Up Tavern |
moe1997-09-25.flac16 | |
1997-09-25 | The Catalyst |
moe1997-09-27.MTX | |
1997-09-27 | The Fillmore |
moe1997-09-27.flac | |
1997-09-27 | Fillmore Auditorium |
moe1997-09-27.matrix.flacf | |
1997-09-27 | The Fillmore |
moe1997-09-27.Master | |
1997-09-27 | The Fillmore |
moe1997-10-01mdnk.dmtx.shn | |
1997-10-01 | Woodmen of The World Hall |
12514 | DMTX(Soundboard + Schoeps cmc621); conversion from DAT and .shn creation: M1 > Edirol UA-1D > SoundForge v5.0 w/ NR v2.0 |
moe1997-10-03.shnf | |
1997-10-03 | Roseland Theater |
34611 | AKG 460/CK61 > Tascam DA-P1 > DA-20 mkII > Delta Dio 2496 > SoundForge 4.5 > CD Wave> .shn |
moe1997-10-04-flac16 | |
1997-10-04 | King Kat Theater |
95210 | flac1644 FOB Audio Technica 825 > DAT (48kHz); DA-P1 > Audiophile 2496 > Soundforge 5.0 > CDWav > FLAC ver 1.1.1; Transferred by Rob DeGrado |
moe.1997-10-04.95233.mtx.flac16 | |
1997-10-04 | King Cat Theater |
moe1997-10-04.sbd.flacf | |
1997-10-04 | King Cat Theatre |
moe1997-10-05.matrix.flacf | |
1997-10-05 | Richards on Richards |
moe1997-10-06.sbd.flacf | |
1997-10-06 | The Rev |
moe1997-10-14 | |
1997-10-14 | First Avenue |
145406 | flac1644 SBD; Taper Unknown; Transferred from DAT by Jeremy Davis; Tracked, Normalized, Uploaded & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-10-14.shnf | |
1997-10-14 | First Avenue |
moe1997-10-15.Schaefer | |
1997-10-15 | Barrymore Theater |
151667 | flac1648 Matrix (Presumably AKG 414's + SBD); Tascam DA-30 MKII > Marantz PMD 561 > Audacity > WAV > Traders Little Helper > FLAC; Taper Unknown; Transferred & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-10-15.flac | |
1997-10-15 | Barrymore Theater |
moe1997-10-16.Schaefer | |
1997-10-16 | Gunnerz |
152783 | flac1648 AKG 414’s + sbd; Tascam DA-30 MKII > Tascam DR-680 > Audacity > WAV > Traders Little Helper > FLAC; Taper Unknown; Transferred & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-10-16.flac | |
1997-10-16 | Gunnerz |
moe1997-10-17.mdnk.dmtx.shn | |
1997-10-17 | Metro |
15311 | DMTX (Sounboard + AKG414) > DA-P1 |
moe1997-10-17.Schaefer | |
1997-10-17 | Metro |
152713 | flac1648 AKG 481 mics > Sony D7; Tascam DA-30 MKII > Tascam DR-680 > Audacity > WAV > Traders Little Helper > FLAC; Taper Unknown; Transferred & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-10-18.shnf | |
1997-10-18 | Blind Pig - |
34612 | AT M61HE > Nile Preamp > SBM-1 > D-7 > DA-20 > Delta Dio 2496 > Soundforge 4.5 (48>44.1 resampling on highest accuracy setting) > CDWave > .shn |
moe1997-10-18.Master | |
1997-10-18 | Blind Pig |
moe1997-10-18.lazor.dat.collection.sennheiser_me67_1648 | |
1997-10-18 | Blind Pig |
moe1997-10-18.393.48k.flac16 | |
1997-10-18 | Blind Pig |
moe1997-10-18.393.flac16 | |
1997-10-18 | Blind Pig |
moe1997-10-19.1648 | |
1997-10-19 | Bogart's |
moe1997-10-21.sbd.flacf | |
1997-10-21 | The Vogue |
moe1997-10-21.Brenmix | |
1997-10-21 | The Vogue Theatre |
moe1997-10-22.48k.flac16 | |
1997-10-22 | Mars |
moe1997-10-22.flac16 | |
1997-10-22 | Mars |
moe1997-10-22.Stymie_Master_1648 | |
1997-10-22 | Mars, Bloomington, IN |
moe1997-10-23.1648 | |
1997-10-23 | Ludlow's |
137504 | flac1648 SBD + AKG 414 > DAT @ 16/48; DAT/m > Tascam DA-20 MKII > SPDIF > MacMini(Audacity) > isotope RX Advanced > xACT(FLAC/TAG) @ 16/48; Taped by Stymie |
moe1997-10-25 | |
1997-10-25 | Metropol | | |
1997-10-25 | Metropol |
moe1997-10-30 | |
1997-10-30 | Bohagor's |
moe1997-10-30.nyctaper | |
1997-10-30 | Bohager's |
122908 | flac1644 Soundboard > Sony D-7 DAT Master > Panasonic SV-3800 > digital coaxial > Audigy 2 ZS Platinum > CD Wave > 16 bit 44.1 wav > Soundforge > CD Wave 1.75 > Flac Frontend > flac |
moe1997-10-31 | |
1997-10-31 | State Theater |
34482 | FOB B&K4021s (8'stand) -> AD1000(+20) -> HHb PDR1000 D(m) @ 48kHz > DA302 -> Midiman Delta DiO 2496 -> Soundforge 5.0 (48K->44.1K) -> CDwav -> mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) [no EAC] |
moe1997-10-31.Schaefer | |
1997-10-31 | State Theater |
154246 | flac1648 SBD; Tascam DA-30 MKII > Marantz PMD 561 > Audacity > WAV > Traders Little Helper > FLAC; Taper Unknown; Transferred & Seeded by Bill Graves |
moe1997-11-12.shnf | |
1997-11-12 | 9:30 Club |
moe1997-11-14.Lazor.1648.master | |
1997-11-14 | Variety Playhouse |
moe1997-11-14.akg.flac16 | |
1997-11-14 | Variety Playhouse |
moe1997-11-14.dsbd.flacf16 | |
1997-11-14 | The Variety Playhouse |
moe1997-11-15 | |
1997-11-15 | Barley And Hops |
moe1997-11-18.matrix.flacf16 | |
1997-11-18 | The Ivory Tusk |
moe1997-11-28.shnf | |
1997-11-28 | Electric Factory |
moe1997-11-28.Brenmix | |
1997-11-28 | Electric Factory |
moe1997-11-29dnk.shnf | |
1997-11-29 | Hammerstein Ballroom |
34486 | (FOB) B&K 4021 > Apogee AD-1000 > HHB PDR-1000 > SV3800 > Behringer Ultramatch (48K->44.1K) > SGI Indigo^2 > CDWave > .shn (no EAC) |
moe1997-11-29.EricV | |
1997-11-29 | Hammerstein Ballroom |
moe1997-12-29dnk.matrix.shnf | |
1997-12-29 | Great American Music Hall |
8799 | SBD+GAMHhousemics -> SBM1 -> D8 -> DAP1(m) ->-> D2 @ 44.1KHz |
moe1997-12-29.lazor.sbd.master.1648 | |
1997-12-29 | Great American Music Hall |
moe1997-12-30dnk.matrix.shnf | |
1997-12-30 | Great American Music Hall |
8797 | SBD+GAMHhousemics -> SBM1 -> D8(m) D1 @ 44.1KHz |
moe1997-12-30.lazor.sbd.master.1648 | |
1997-12-30 | Great American Music Hall |
moe1997-12-31dnk.sbd.shnf | |
1997-12-31 | Great American Music Hall |
16860 | SBD -> SBM1 -> D8(m) -> D1 @ 44.1KHz |
moe1997-12-31.lazor.sbd.master.1648 | |
1997-12-31 | Great American Music Hall |