Grateful Dead | 1990-02-25 | Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum | Oakland | CA | 34732 93476 87786 29345 82923 11805 13142 117754 125809 125810 130975 135099 135154 141870 150630 150674 168839 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-02-26 | Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum | Oakland | CA | 93841 451 16946 131004 137905 137963 141871 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-02-27 | Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum | Oakland | CA | 93955 8569 125838 125839 131005 141692 141872 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-14 | Capital Centre | Landover | MD | 89733 89693 89689 83778 8466 116030 116746 125851 125852 140959 140969 142544 149324 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-15 | Capital Centre | Landover | MD | 83675 28293 105690 109251 115935 125871 125872 140983 140985 142545 149325 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-16 | Capital Centre | Landover | MD | 85201 32135 96549 97023 132661 76037 83791 91782 5227 116749 125873 125874 132660 138312 139176 140993 141000 142546 149326 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-18 | Hartford Civic Center | Hartford | CT | 90486 91358 35401 96568 9364 125607 125608 132671 138118 139225 139667 141913 149332 149480 149785 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-19 | Hartford Civic Center | Hartford | CT | 86825 94400 34777 97024 1526 125628 125629 132673 141914 149333 149504 149701 165619 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-21 | Copps Coliseum | Hamilton | ON | 91767 96638 1355 5307 107870 138583 141111 141930 148534 149412 152791 156194 156791 156792 156794 156790 156422 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-22 | Copps Coliseum | Hamilton | ON | 126699 91779 453 7460 21433 28040 31772 107871 111464 113144 125880 125881 126698 139224 141112 141931 143170 149413 152792 156195 156423 157157 165885 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-24 | Knickerbocker Arena | Albany | NY | 91828 94287 94288 11806 12791 28387 32075 32082 107873 120742 120743 125389 125390 127119 141113 142989 147572 156367 156426 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-25 | Knickerbocker Arena | Albany | NY | 87347 91500 91879 4688 7508 8506 28389 114256 114260 120858 120859 127157 130429 130430 132707 135267 141114 142990 143188 149394 150565 158748 158884 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-26 | Knickerbocker Arena | Albany | NY | 87350 91916 94411 6697 7509 8508 112092 112093 120942 120943 122541 122542 126788 126789 127210 133045 135063 135497 141115 142991 149395 160431 161587 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-28 | Nassau Coliseum | Uniondale | NY | 87643 87701 91355 95825 95943 3872 4685 7510 8510 28381 33833 91202 121786 121788 124834 126837 126838 132758 132873 132872 135520 141954 149443 157770 158167 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-29 | Nassau Coliseum | Uniondale | NY | 83612 33925 97118 29191 91347 1317 3389 4686 24996 26341 121842 121843 123924 123925 124324 124325 126846 126847 127385 141955 143171 149396 149419 149589 149594 149593 149590 149591 149592 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-03-30 | Nassau Coliseum | Uniondale | NY | 89173 87742 3390 4687 8366 8511 33926 123934 123944 123945 126885 126886 138584 141956 149442 163611 164132 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-04-01 | The Omni | Atlanta | GA | 87809 35168 97203 3458 5063 7512 8512 33927 106757 131204 135535 145218 145747 149445 158174 158176 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-04-02 | The Omni | Atlanta | GA | 97216 3299 5064 12198 13391 17731 106763 131205 133276 137933 142002 143172 145219 145749 149446 152287 152510 154440 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-04-03 | The Omni | Atlanta | GA | 97566 3577 3732 17811 106904 131206 133277 135201 142003 142216 145220 145750 149447 152511 158650 158672 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-05-05 | Cal State Dominguez Hills | Carson | CA | 138754 97423 4850 11660 116818 131207 134997 137021 137088 138648 138649 141262 141275 141939 143960 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-05-06 | Cal State Dominguez Hills | Carson | CA | 80278 97237 7891 11661 111299 116826 131208 137861 141263 141276 141940 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-06-08 | Cal Expo | Sacramento | CA | 150583 94233 95184 6935 9630 29385 34397 111329 130389 130418 130419 143343 147925 149619 149702 150333 150618 153498 154441 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-06-09 | Cal Expo | Sacramento | CA | 23532 95251 88197 6936 29386 34398 111342 126537 126538 134549 142578 143344 145489 149620 149721 150584 150619 168389 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-06-10 | Cal Expo | Sacramento | CA | 30373 97059 30361 95449 30369 457 6937 29669 111344 142579 143345 147940 149621 149727 150585 150620 152180 168425 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-06-15 | Shoreline Amphitheatre | Mountain View | CA | 35161 7762 8570 106144 126232 126233 138464 142345 143854 143855 146443 146936 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-06-16 | Shoreline Amphitheatre | Mountain View | CA | 96407 7763 8571 106145 126272 126273 138399 142612 143425 146444 146937 147584 147773 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-06-17 | Shoreline Amphitheatre | Mountain View | CA | 96420 97329 7764 10062 106170 111846 126387 126388 138400 143426 149334 149425 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-06-23 | Autzen Stadium - University of Oregon | Eugene | OR | 88105 99648 6945 10261 28690 108310 152691 121911 124301 124302 141774 141861 141894 143537 147807 147808 156400 163867 163868 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-06-24 | Autzen Stadium, U. of Oregon | Eugene | OR | 94258 6946 12092 106896 108329 141255 141784 141862 141895 143538 147810 147809 156401 163869 163870 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-07-04 | Sandstone Ampitheatre | Bonner Springs | KS | 81523 8573 26351 117549 117550 127374 131537 133536 137897 140955 143599 147812 147811 153738 154442 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-07-06 | Cardinal Stadium | Louisville | KY | 82915 2255 9009 12770 102291 126121 126122 130511 130512 131218 131219 134928 142685 143600 153082 154443 167047 167048 167046 167045 167050 167049 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-07-08 | Three Rivers Stadium | Pittsburgh | PA | 141773 97714 16157 109665 130548 130549 135741 135742 138452 138701 138702 138703 138704 141863 142686 149331 168021 168022 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-07-10 | Carter-Finley Stadium | Raleigh | NC | 31790 8256 106373 126181 126182 128383 130402 130403 130583 130584 133954 135049 142694 143601 149323 150367 150396 150398 150397 150501 164504 164505 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-07-12 | Robert F. Kennedy Stadium | Washington | DC | 97709 2582 17688 21980 121536 121537 128388 130618 130619 133957 141394 143602 149329 149523 149730 161266 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-07-14 | Foxboro Stadium | Foxboro | MA | 92772 79750 463 15508 31950 84979 106403 106404 111133 121510 121511 128386 128385 130834 130835 133966 134830 141395 141748 143603 147814 147813 149340 152771 152773 152772 157717 158052 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-07-16 | Rich Stadium | Orchard Park | NY | 32018 95782 95580 98919 1316 84980 116444 116445 121580 121581 128387 131228 131229 133997 142695 143604 145658 149401 157718 158164 162769 162747 162759 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-07-18 | Deer Creek Music Center | Noblesville | IN | 95807 12579 97366 7358 12760 26352 28889 32218 118892 117697 117698 118904 131339 131337 132853 137862 138229 143605 147560 147774 147816 147817 156402 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-07-19 | Deer Creek Music Center | Noblesville | IN | 32354 34617 95783 2177 105263 118893 117699 117700 118905 131316 131315 132854 142346 147566 147777 154265 154264 156403 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-07-21 | World Music Theater | Tinley Park | IL | 95809 2109 7832 112524 117734 117733 131365 131366 131538 133841 142004 143930 150458 150502 150562 150563 150564 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-07-22 | World Music Theater | Tinley Park | IL | 95870 7834 9397 112525 115497 117740 117739 131371 131372 133842 138459 142005 143931 158175 158192 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-07-23 | World Music Theater | Tinley Park | IL | 81303 95898 7417 7612 7835 112526 117750 117751 131406 131407 133843 135062 138985 142006 147601 147602 147604 147719 147778 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-08-28 | Club Front | San Rafael | CA | 156714 157161 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-07 | Richfield Coliseum | Richfield | OH | 92240 98877 101018 13253 131684 131685 138484 146060 158698 158917 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-08 | Richfield Coliseum | Richfield | OH | 92241 97359 98889 101148 11662 14045 112302 131695 131696 144620 146061 158699 158936 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-10 | The Spectrum | Philadelphia | PA | 80955 8702 11807 137115 142361 146062 158745 159858 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-11 | The Spectrum | Philadelphia | PA | 11808 11809 121664 121665 122144 122145 137116 142423 146063 158746 161383 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-12 | The Spectrum | Philadelphia | PA | 74247 7741 8818 13141 137117 142424 146065 158747 161422 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-14 | Madison Square Garden | New York | NY | 88942 74405 92017 97443 7769 9623 11810 117928 141164 144756 150531 161121 161617 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-15 | Madison Square Garden | New York | NY | 77295 92063 89070 88946 97498 77205 91474 7746 7770 9047 131636 131637 132065 132066 141165 144813 150667 161122 161622 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-16 | Madison Square Garden | New York | NY | 88947 92158 97707 9435 11663 145946 125564 132021 132022 136806 141166 144784 144814 144815 168794 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-18 | Madison Square Garden | New York | NY | 79022 86952 35162 88968 96934 97021 96156 9772 11811 12885 124767 131908 131909 138069 139520 141167 144893 147622 147781 150544 152738 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-19 | Madison Square Garden | New York | NY | 85003 96157 88969 96927 97641 3373 9988 11664 14674 26081 138055 143131 147623 147888 149583 150545 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-20 | Madison Square Garden | New York | NY | 108849 88970 96918 31773 465 9989 11633 12111 14855 28691 30868 34629 132709 138036 141168 149578 150546 150669 152739 156442 156488 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-26 | Club Front Studio | San Rafael | CA | 157660 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-27 | Club Front | San Rafael | CA | 157661 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-09-28 | Front Street | San Rafael | CA | 13531 157662 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-10-13 | Ice Stadium | Stockholm | Sweden | 92841 90031 11627 21971 128225 138953 141086 141088 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-10-17 | GrugaHalle | Essen | Germany | 89987 92977 11613 112818 112819 143496 143495 144816 144817 157679 157680 157865 167629 167630 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-10-19 | Internationales Congress Centrum | Berlin | Germany | 90094 93854 8199 12892 131475 144894 144895 157674 160432 164131 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-10-20 | Internationales Congress Centrum | Berlin | Germany | 90641 98728 8245 12931 115551 115552 131473 138476 139112 144552 144900 144901 150273 153737 165742 165833 167631 167632 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-10-22 | Festhalle | Frankfurt | Germany | 90745 8722 12833 13466 22315 114392 114393 131001 143528 144926 144925 165451 165843 167568 167569 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-10-24 | Sportsahalle | Hamburg | Germany | 90754 84961 11612 131010 139115 141756 143962 163716 164130 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-10-27 | The Zenith | Paris | France | 84288 90800 141693 9373 21254 113534 139118 141604 144199 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-10-28 | The Zenith | Paris | France | 90833 83696 3264 113591 114394 114395 139119 141605 141694 144200 167633 167634 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-10-30 | Wembley Arena | London | England | 90836 81706 34645 6678 7449 126879 136847 139120 140864 140898 143863 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-10-31 | Wembley Arena | London | England | 90844 85914 8070 125745 138688 139125 139615 142715 142734 143864 150006 150234 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-11-01 | Wembley Arena | London | England | 82406 90994 3861 8068 34651 125953 138689 139147 143865 145544 145663 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-12-03 | Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum | Oakland | CA | 81740 13992 119331 138092 143373 143512 145151 150653 150691 153867 154445 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-12-04 | Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum | Oakland | CA | 9365 105425 138093 143376 143441 143517 143584 145225 150654 150692 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-12-08 | Compton Terrace Amphitheatre | Chandler | AZ | 89867 472 117558 117559 124096 130961 141606 141700 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-12-09 | Compton Terrace | Chandler | AZ | 76351 76477 89799 4182 5155 117609 117610 130925 141607 141701 157408 157407 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-12-12 | McNichols Sports Arena | Denver | CO | 32020 87461 87659 87372 87696 87660 2030 109289 120136 120137 127359 140071 140146 142547 142548 142549 142550 149544 149736 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-12-13 | McNichols Sports Arena | Denver | CO | 32021 2031 4988 24411 108981 120149 120150 127360 138731 140290 149556 149746 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-12-14 | McNichols Sports Arena | Denver | CO | 32022 89127 13165 149757 120164 120165 127361 138732 140291 149608 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-12-27 | Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum | Oakland | CA | 76115 8193 21928 28385 116109 127387 136761 138040 138473 138519 164051 164129 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-12-28 | Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum | Oakland | CA | 116114 11498 114440 127432 136762 138057 140147 140247 168850 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-12-30 | Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum | Oakland | CA | 11669 22025 116104 116105 116142 119696 127333 138190 141848 141864 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-12-31 | Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum | Oakland | CA | 90102 138723 1688 116141 121782 121792 121790 126823 127388 138041 138744 140720 140733 140734 141792 141868 |
Grateful Dead | 1990-??-?? | Compilation | Compilation | various | |
Grateful Dead | 1990-??-?? | Best of Brent Spring 1990 | Various | Various | |