Sources for Artist Group Garcia
unknown 1961 1962 1963 1964 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 2001 2024
SHNIDArtistDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
16697Garcia1988-01-23Henry J. Kaiser Convention CenterOaklandCA
"Blues for Salvador": Unknown audience master > ? > CD > eac > shntool > shnv3 by Ernie Dodd.
22376Garcia1988-01-23Henry J. Kaiser Convention CenterOaklandCA
Entire performance. Jerry Garcia plays on several tracks. Primary source: MAC(Nakamichi 700s FOB split 30' either side of center>Sony-D5)>D>D>WAV>SHN.
121594Garcia1988-02-05Veterans Memorial AuditoriumSanta RosaCA
flac2448; AUD > Unknown Gen Cassette (Maxell XLII90 no Dolby) > Nakamichi BX-300 playback (no Dolby) > Pyle Pro cables > WaveTerminal 2496 > Samplitude 10.1 Download Version (record @ 24 bits/48kHz) > CDWave 1.9.8 (tracking) > Wavelab 5.0.1a (cross-fades, etc.) > shntool (stripped non-canonical headers) > Traders Little Helper 2.4.1 (FLAC encoding, level 8) > Foobar (tagging); Transferred 9/6/2009 by JGMF
125717Garcia1988-02-05Veterans Memorial AuditoriumSanta RosaCA
JGB; flac1644; remaster of JGMF's Closet Call SHNID-121594. Source: Unknown AUD transferred to FLAC 2448 by JGMF > ID-121594. Remaster: FLAC 2448 > TLH > WAV > Wavelab > R8Brain > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC 1644 tagged. Andrew F. 09/20
18421Garcia1988-02-06The WarfieldSan FranciscoCA
Jerry Garcia Band: MAC (Taped by Danny Lucian, unknown gear from the lower balcony) > 1 cassette > CD > Plexwriter PX-W4824A extraction (EAC v0.9 beta 4) > tracking (CD Wave v1.6) > editing (SF Studio 6.0) > sector boundary verification (shntool v1.01) > .shn encoding (mkwACT v0.97 beta 1).
16790Garcia1988-03-05Warfield TheaterSan FranciscoCA
Jerry Garcia Band: MSC > DAT > CDR > WAV > SHN. Missing last 3 tracks of the second set. CDR source via D.Minches. SHN encoding/initial FTP propagation via C.Ladner/candyman FTP.
138500Garcia1988-03-05Warfield TheaterSan FranciscoCA
JGB, flac1644; SBD ID-16790, repaired & patched, makes the show a complete SBD. Transfer: SHN's (and SBD > ? > cassette patch source) > WAV > Wavelab > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC 1644 tagged. File-set compiled by Andrew F. 06/2017
7672Garcia1988-04-26Marin Veterans' Memorial AuditoriumSan RafaelCA
JGAB: MAC (Taped by Dan Cole, FOB Sony ECM-77B > Sony D5) > Cool Edit > CD Wave > SHN > CD > EAC > SHN. Proper sector boundaries verified using shntool. This is an accidental re-DAE of the earlier .shn set, albeit one that is slightly re-tracked.
13987Garcia1988-04-26Marin Veterans' Memorial AuditoriumSan RafaelCA
Garcia, Kahh, Nelson, & Rothman: MAC (Taped by Dan Cole, FOB Sony ECM-77B > Sony D5) > Cool Edit > CD Wave > SHN.
91407Garcia1988-04-26Marin Veterans' Memorial AuditoriumSan RafaelCA
Garcia, Kahn, Nelson & Rothman: John Corley AUD (likely Nak700) > ? > CD > Wavelab6.0 Edited and Mastered by Jamie Waddell on the GEMS Edit Station Trac'ed Cdwave,Flac'ed Flac Frontend Level 8.
91969Garcia1988-04-26Marin Veterans' Memorial AuditoriumSan RafaelCA
JGAB: Hat Mounted Realistic PZM's with Sony WMD6-C No nr Maxell MX-90 80 ft away, left of center Orchestra Section Left Row 13 Seat 49 Master > Sony D6 > HD > Audacity > CDWave > TLH
8418Garcia1988-05-06Old FillmoreSan FranciscoCA
Jerry Garcia Band: FOB Schoeps CMC3 + MK4 > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN
23794Garcia1988-05-06Old FillmoreSan FranciscoCA
Jerry Garcia Band. Source: MAC(Nak700s)>CDR>WAV>SHN. Taper: John Corley.
166518Garcia1988-05-06Old FillmoreSan FranciscoCA
JGB; flac16; Neumann KMi-84s >Sony PCMF-1/sl2000 PCM - transferred, tracked and tagged by OldNeumanntapr - Recorded By Daspyknows taping crew
13986Garcia1988-05-07Orpheum TheatreSan FranciscoCA
Jerry Garcia Band: MAC (Taped by Dan Cole, row AA in the middle, Sony ECM 77-B > Sony D5) > Cool Edit > CD Wave > SHN.
20749Garcia1988-05-07Orpheum TheatreSan FranciscoCA
Jerry Garcia Band: Taper: Bill Reutelhuber; Recording Info: (FOB/Hat) Nakamichi 700/CP701 -> Reutelhuber P/S -> dbx type II Encoder -> Cm (Sony TCD5m). Transfer Info: Cm (Nakamichi Deck/Azmituth Aligned) -> Mytek Digital 8X96ADC -> Nuendo (24bit/44.1k) -> SHN. Process Info: 1) Slight eq on the computer with waves linear eq plugin followed by waves L2 plugin and rendered down to 16 bit 44.1kHz file. 2) Tracked and Normalized with Samplitude v7.02 Professional. Recorded, Transfered and Process #1 By Bill Reutelhuber. Process #2 By Charlie Miller.
7671Garcia1988-07-07Cotati CabaretCotatiCA
Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band: Early Show: Recorded at Front Row Table, Audio-Technica AT 831R mics > Marantz PMD-430 > Tascam CD-RW700 (recorded and mastered by Dan Ward); Late Show: Recorded in front of left PA stack, Radio Shack behind the ear mics > Sony TC-D6 (recorded and mastered by CNM).
82171Garcia1988-07-09Frost Ampitheater (Stanford University)Palo AltoCA
JGAB: John Corley's FOB Nakamichi 700s > Cassette Master (Sony TCD5m) Dat > CD > EAC> Flac
84650Garcia1988-07-09Frost Ampitheater (Stanford University)Palo AltoCA
JGAB: fixed version of the Teddy "Goodbear" seed shnid 82171, via SirMick.
13988Garcia1988-07-10Greek TheaterBerkeleyCA
Jerry Garcia Band: set II only: MAC (Taped by Dan Cole, FOB AKG 460's > Sony D5) > Cool Edit > CD Wave > SHN.
17635Garcia1988-07-10Greek TheaterBerkeleyCA
Jerry Garcia Band: MAC (Taped by John Corley, Nak 700s > Sony TC-D5M) > CD > EAC > SHN
25416Garcia1988-07-10Greek TheaterBerkeleyCA
Jerry Garcia Band: MAC (Taped by Bill Reutelhuber, FOB Nakamichi 700/CP701 -> Reutelhuber P/S -> Sony TCD5m) > playback (Nakamichi Deck/Azmituth aligned) -> Mytek Digital ADC8X96 -> Nuendo (24bit/44.1k) -> Samplitude v7.02 Professional -> SHN (2 Discs Audio / 2 Discs SHN). Recorded and Transfered By Bill Reutelhuber. Tracked and SHN'd Charlie Miller
160864Garcia1988-07-16Golden Gate ParkSan FranciscoCA
flac2448 1st GEN AUD microphones: AKG ck61 > recorder: Sony TC-D10 DAT location: FOB about 70 feet from stage First transfer- DAT to Sony TC5M
4378Garcia1988-10-31Henry J. Kaiser Convention CenterOaklandCA
Jerry Garcia Band: FOB Schoeps CMC34 (Hand held, ORTF) > Oade M118 pre > Panasonic SV-250 > Soundforge 4.5 > CD; Taped by Jeff Travitz, shn'd by Bill Gardner
19857Garcia1988-10-31Henry J. Kaiser Convention CenterOaklandCA
Jerry Garcia Band: MAC (Nak CM700/CP701 Cards > Custom Preamp > DBX Box > Sony TCD5M) > Sound Forge (slight NR used) > DBX Type II Decoder NR Unit > HD > CD
21790Garcia1988-10-31Henry J. Kaiser Convention CenterOaklandCA
Jerry Garcia Band: Recording Info: (FOB/Hat) Nakamichi 700/CP701 -> Reutelhuber P/S -> dbx 221e type II Encoder -> Cassette Master (Sony TCD5m/Maxell XLIIS); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi Deck/Azmituth Aligned) -> dbx 224x Decoder -> Mytek Digital ADC8X96 -> Nuendo (24bit/44.1k) -> SHN (2 Discs Audio / 1 Disc SHN); Process Info: 1) Processed to a 16 bit file with waves Q10 and L2 2) Tracked and Normailized with Samplitude v7.02 Professional; Recorded, Transfered and Process #1 By Bill Reutelhuber; Process #2 By Charlie Miller 1/6/04
14398Garcia1988-11-04Caesars TahoeStatelineNV
Jerry Garcia Band: Nak 700 mics > DBX Encoded > Cassette Master; Transfer: Cassette master> DBX Decoded > DATx 2 > Echo Event Gina > Sound Forge 4.5 > CDR > EAC(Secure Mode) > SHN (MKWACT); EAC'ed/Shn'ed and seeded to fungus by Charlie Connor. File modifed 2/7/2004: NOT taped by Bob Menke, as previously listed.
92371Garcia1988-11-04Caesars TahoeStatelineNV
JGB: PS's 2x Nakamichi 700 mics (modified, caps and attenuators worn in hat) > Reutelhuber pre-amp > dbx 221e > Sony TCd5M master cassette (Maxell MX90) from center tables; Transfer (PS): Nakamichi CR1a playback > dbx 224xds decode > Macintosh 1.2 GHZ Power PC G4 OSX 10.5.2, with M-Audio Audiophile 2496 MIDI Digital Recording Interface. Recorded with Bias Peak Lite. File re-saved from raw audio as Wave with Bias Peak Lite version 5.2; Track & FLAC: CD Wave 1.94.8 > Sony Sound Forge Studio 7.0 (t01 fade-in and t10 fade-out) > shntool > FLAC Frontend (v1.7.1 etree edition).
19837Garcia1988-11-05Caesars TahoeStatelineNV
Jerry Garcia Band: Early and Late Shows: MAC(Nak700s) > D > CDR > WAV >SHN. File modified 2/7/2004: not taped by Bob Menke, as previously listed.
140911Garcia1988-11-05Caesars TahoeStatelineNV
JGB; flac1644; Late Show, Sources: Matrix of SBD ID-99565 & AUD ID-19837. Transfer: WAV > Wavelab > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC 1644 tagged, Andrew F. 02/2018
99565Garcia1988-11-05Caesars TahoeStatelineNV
Late Show: MSC > 1st gen cassette > Nak Dragon playback > Grace Lunatec V3 (24/96) > Digital Audio Labs Card Deluxe > Adobe Audition 2.0 > (dither/downsample) > FLAC encoding. Transfer by David Minches.
17376Garcia1988-11-25Wiltern TheaterLos AngelesCA
Jerry Garcia Band: MSD > 1C > DAT > CDR > WAV > SHN
84763Garcia1988-11-25Wiltern TheaterLos AngelesCA
JGB: Mike French's MAC, undetermined gear and transfer > CD > EAC > FLAC.
88954Garcia1988-11-25Wiltern TheaterLos AngelesCA
JGB: tdarian and John Corso (Tapers From Hell), Sennheiser MKE2002 (mfrench mics) as AB omni's on bill of cap > Sony TC-D5M "B" n.r.; Row B - center of floor (apprx. 10th row center); Sony TC-D5M (with Dolby B) playback > Tascam DA-20mkII DAT deck at 48k; Then DAT marked with programs that were transferred as track marks on the fly, by the Tas. CDRW700, with dither to 44.1, on-the-fly, by the tas.700.
148619Garcia1988-11-25Wiltern TheaterLos AngelesCA
JGB; flac16; Master Soundboard Dat > Dick Latvala's Cassettes; Transfer Info: Dick Latvala’s cassettes (Nakamichi BX-300)> HHb CDR850 > CDR > EAC > Adobe Audition CC2019 > TLH flac16
12023Garcia1988-11-26Wiltern TheaterLos AngelesCA
Jerry Garcia Band: MSC > DAT > CDR > WAV > SHNv3.
84850Garcia1988-11-26Wiltern TheaterLos AngelesCA
JGB: Tapers From Hell's MAC, unknown recording & transfer details > CD > EAC > FLAC.
88955Garcia1988-11-26Wiltern TheaterLos AngelesCA
JGB: tdarian and John Corso (Tapers From Hell), Sennheiser MKE2002 (mfrench mics) as AB omni's on bill of cap > Sony WM-D6C (From the Floor - Row A - Jerry Side) (tape notes say center - maybe Jerry side of center section??); Sony TC-D5M (with Dolby B) playback > Tascam DA-20mkII DAT deck at 48k > Tascam CDRW700, with dither to 44.1, on-the-fly, by the tas.700.
152883Garcia1988-11-26Wiltern TheaterLos AngelesCA
JGB: flac1644; SBD > Cassette Master > DAT > CDR > WAV > SHNv3; Remaster by FlyingM: iZotope RX8 advanced > Goody* > CD Wave > TLH (flac)
84824Garcia1988-11-27Wiltern TheaterLos AngelesCA
JGB, I/IIp: SBD (poss. 2nd gen) maxell MXS90 cassette (Dolby C) > Nak CR3A (Dolby C) playback > eq out > hp computer > CD wave > Flac.
15438Garcia1988-11-27Wiltern TheaterLos AngelesCA
Jerry Garcia Band: MAC ("Tapers from Hell", Senn MKE2002 [HRTF, balcony 3rd row center] > Sony WM-D6C [Dolby B]) > playback on master Sony WM-D6C "B" nr > Canare custom (shielded) cable > Tascam DA-20mkII DAT 48khz master DAT > playback on Tascam DA-20mkII DAT > Marigo Audio Lab Apparition Reference Coaxial/ RCA cable > Tascam 700 CDRW master CD > Marantz CDR 500 Dual Well Recorder CD clone (DAO,1x) > CD > HP 9350i extraction using EAC (v0.9 beta 4) > tracking using CD Wave (v1.6) > sector boundary verification using shntool (v1.01) > .shn encoding using mkwACT (v0.97 beta 1).
88956Garcia1988-11-27Wiltern TheaterLos AngelesCA
JGB: tdarian and John Corso (Tapers From Hell), Sennheiser MKE2002 (mfrench mics) as AB omni's on bill of cap > Sony WM-D6C (3rd row center - balcony) > Sony TC-D5M (with Dolby B) playback > Tascam DA-20mkII 48k DAT > Tascam CDRW700, with dither to 44.1, on-the-fly, by the tas.700.
19969Garcia1988-12-02Orpheum TheatreSan FranciscoCA
JGB; shnf; MAP (Schoeps CMC44> Sony F1) > PCM > CDR > WAV > SHN. Source CDR via J.Powell. Extraction and SHN encoding via C.Ladner.
20833Garcia1988-12-02Orpheum TheatreSan FranciscoCA
JGB; shnf; Bill Reutelhuber's (FOB/Hat) Nakamichi 700/CP701 -> Reutelhuber P/S -> Cm (Sony TCD5m); Transfer Info: Cm (Nakamichi Deck/Azmituth Aligned) -> Mytek Digital 8X96ADC -> Nuendo (24bit/44.1k) -> SHN; Process Info: Processed through Nuendo using Waves Q10 and Waves C4 and rendered down to a 16 bit wave file. Transferred by Bill Reutelhuber. Tracked and SHN'd By Charlie Miller.
19970Garcia1988-12-03Orpheum TheatreSan FranciscoCA
JGB; MAP(Schoeps CMC44> Sony F1)>PCM>CDR>WAV>SHN. Source CDRs via J.Powell. Extraction and SHN encoding via C.Ladner.
20834Garcia1988-12-03Orpheum TheatreSan FranciscoCA
JGB; Bill Reutelhuber's (FOB/Hat) Nakamichi 700/CP701 -> Reutelhuber P/S -> dbx type II Encoder -> Cm (Sony TCD5m); Transfer Info: Cm (Nakamichi Deck/Azmituth Aligned) -> Mytek Digital 8X96ADC -> Nuendo (24bit/44.1k) -> SHN; Process Info: Processed through Nuendo using Waves Q10 and Waves C4 and rendered down to a 16 bit wave file. Recorded and Transferred by Bill Reutelhuber; Tracked and SHN'd By Charlie Miller.
15009Garcia1988-12-04Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum ArenaOaklandCA
Garcia, Weir & Wasserman; Acoustic Bridge School Benefit; SBD>??>DAT>CDR; via Paul B; Seeded to etree by Willy
92381Garcia1988-12-04Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum ArenaOaklandCA
Garcia, Weir & Wasserman: PS's 2 x modified Nakamichi 700 cardioids (in hat, Main Floor, Section 2 Row U Seat 6) > Bill Reutelhuber preamp > dbx 221 e (mounted in a battery-powered Bill R. box) > Sony TC-D5M; Transfer: MAC > Nakamichi CR1a (playback) > dbx 224xds (decode) > Macintosh 800 MHZ Power PC G4, with M-Audio Audiophile 2496 MIDI Digital Recording Interface. Recorded with Live Lite 4 for M. Audio (aiff); Encoding: Bias Peak Lite version 5.2 (wav) > CDWave (tracking) > FLAC Frontend (level 8 flac).
155462Garcia1988-12-04Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum ArenaOaklandCA
Garcia, Weir & Wasserman; Flac16; 2 AKG mics > Sony D-5 (best guess); This first generation tape was made on an unknown cassette deck. The only recording information on the tape was the letter "C" on the Dolby line. aud.morris -M- (10/2011) FLYING M PRODUCTIONS
141967Garcia1988-12-04Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum ArenaOaklandCA
Garcia, Weir and Wasserman; flac16; UltraMatrix SBD > Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz) > KORG AudioGate 4 > Samplitude Pro X3 Suite > FLAC/24(2 DVD's FLAC). All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
141965Garcia1988-12-04Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum ArenaOaklandCA
Garcia, Weir and Wasserman; flac24; UltraMatrix SBD > Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6 MHz) > KORG AudioGate 4 > Samplitude Pro X3 Suite > FLAC/24(2 DVD's FLAC). All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller